A Child and Family Psychiatry


Welcome to A Child and Family Psychiatry, where we’ve proudly served the diverse needs of Ohio patients since 2015. At our clinic, we’re dedicated to providing innovative mental health solutions that offer hope and healing to individuals and families facing various challenges. We are excited to introduce you to one of our leading treatment options:

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS.

As a trusted provider of TMS therapy in Columbus, Ohio, we’re committed to offering cutting-edge solutions for those battling depression. TMS represents a significant breakthrough in mental health care, particularly for individuals struggling with medication-resistant depression. It’s an FDA-approved treatment covered by most insurances for individuals ages 18 and over, offering a beacon of hope for those who have found little relief from traditional therapies.

At A Child and Family Psychiatry, we believe in the power of TMS to transform lives. This non-invasive treatment option delivers gentle magnetic pulses to specific areas of the brain associated with depression, working to normalize brain function and alleviate symptoms. What sets TMS apart is its effectiveness, minimal side effects, and the fact that sedation is not required during treatment.
Join us as we explore the transformative potential of TMS therapy, and discover how it’s providing new avenues for recovery and well-being for individuals across Ohio. Whether you’re seeking relief from depression or exploring treatment options for a loved one, we invite you to learn more about the innovative TMS therapy offered at A Child and Family Psychiatry.

Understanding TMS

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) stands at the forefront of modern psychiatry, offering a ray of hope for those navigating the depths of depression. But what exactly is TMS, and how does it hold the promise of a brighter tomorrow?

TMS is a cutting-edge treatment that utilizes magnetic pulses to stimulate specific regions of the brain associated with mood regulation. Unlike traditional therapies, which often rely on medication alone, TMS offers a non-invasive approach to targeting the root causes of depression. The sensations experienced during TMS sessions can vary from person to person, but it is typically described as a tapping or knocking sensation on the scalp. The magnetic pulses are delivered to targeted areas of the brain, and some individuals may feel a slight pressure or tingling sensation at the site of stimulation.

The intensity of the sensation can be adjusted by the clinician to ensure that the treatment remains comfortable for the patient throughout the session. Overall, while the sensation of the magnetic pulses during TMS therapy may be unusual at first, many patients find it to be manageable and even tolerable as they progress through their treatment course.

One of the most significant milestones in TMS therapy is its approval by the FDA, underscoring its safety and efficacy in treating depression. Moreover, for individuals aged 18 and over, TMS is often covered by insurance, making this transformative treatment accessible to those in need.

Perhaps most notably, TMS shines brightest in the realm of medication-resistant depression. For individuals who have found little relief from antidepressants or therapy alone, TMS offers a beacon of hope. By directly targeting the brain regions responsible for depression, TMS provides a path to healing that was once thought impossible.

How TMS Works

TMS operates by delivering gentle magnetic pulses to specific regions of the brain known to be involved in mood regulation. Through this targeted stimulation, TMS works to normalize the activity of these brain areas, effectively rewiring neural pathways and alleviating the symptoms of depression. It’s a precise and non-invasive approach that holds tremendous promise for those seeking relief from the grip of mental illness.

One of the most compelling aspects of TMS therapy is its minimal side effects. Unlike many traditional treatments for depression, which may come with a host of unwanted effects, TMS offers a gentler alternative. Patients undergoing TMS typically experience only mild discomfort, if any, during treatment, with no lasting adverse effects. This makes TMS not only effective but also well-tolerated, enhancing its appeal as a treatment option for individuals seeking relief from depression.

Another notable advantage of TMS is its non-sedative nature. Unlike some medical procedures that require sedation or anesthesia, TMS therapy can be administered without the need for any form of sedation. This means that patients can undergo treatment comfortably and safely, without the risks or side effects associated with sedative medications. It’s a testament to the simplicity and elegance of TMS as a treatment modality, offering a straightforward and accessible path to healing.

TMS Treatment Process

Embarking on the path to recovery from depression often requires a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to individual needs. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) offers a structured and effective approach to healing, providing a beacon of hope for those seeking relief. Let’s explore the journey of TMS therapy and uncover the steps involved in this transformative process.

Duration and Frequency of TMS Sessions:

TMS therapy is designed to be both effective and manageable for patients. Sessions are typically conducted on a daily basis, Monday through Friday, to ensure consistency and maximize therapeutic benefits. This frequent schedule allows for targeted stimulation of the brain regions associated with depression, optimizing the likelihood of positive outcomes.

Typical Session Length:

Each TMS session is relatively brief, typically lasting between 20 to 30 minutes. This means that patients can undergo treatment without disrupting their daily routines significantly. Whether it’s during a lunch break or before heading to work, TMS sessions can easily fit into busy schedules, offering flexibility and convenience for individuals seeking relief from depression.

Duration of Treatment:

The duration of TMS therapy is structured to provide comprehensive and sustained relief from depression. Typically, a full course of treatment consists of 5 sessions a week conducted over a period of 6 to 7 weeks. This extended duration allows for gradual and lasting improvements in mood and overall well-being, ensuring that patients experience the full benefits of TMS therapy.

Manageable Commitment:

One of the key advantages of TMS therapy is its manageable commitment. Unlike some intensive treatment programs that require prolonged hospitalization or frequent clinic visits, TMS offers a more accessible and patient-friendly approach. With sessions lasting just a fraction of an hour and treatment conducted on an outpatient basis, TMS allows individuals to continue with their daily activities while prioritizing their mental health.

What to Expect During a TMS Session:

As you arrive for your Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) session at A Child and Family Psychiatry, you’ll be warmly welcomed into a calming environment designed to make you feel at ease. Once seated comfortably in a specialized chair, our trained technicians will ensure proper positioning for the delivery of gentle magnetic pulses to targeted areas of your brain.

Throughout the session, which typically lasts between 20 to 30 minutes, you may experience mild sensations but rest assured, these are well-tolerated and brief. As you relax and reflect during the session, our supportive team will be on hand to address any questions or concerns you may have. Afterward, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your experience and next steps with our caring staff, as we remain committed to guiding you through your TMS journey with compassion and expertise.

Is TMA Safe?

Yes, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is considered to be a safe and well-tolerated treatment for depression. TMS has undergone rigorous testing and clinical trials to evaluate its safety and efficacy, and it has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of major depressive disorder in adults. This FDA clearance provides assurance that TMS meets the necessary standards for safety and effectiveness in addressing depressive symptoms.

Additionally, numerous studies have demonstrated the safety profile of TMS, with minimal risk of serious adverse events. Common side effects of TMS, such as headache, scalp discomfort, and lightheadedness, are typically mild and transient, diminishing over the course of treatment. The non-invasive nature of TMS further contributes to its safety profile, as it does not require surgery or implantation of devices. Overall, TMS offers a safe and well-established option for individuals seeking relief from depression, with the potential for significant improvements in mood and quality of life.

Patient Testimonials and Videos

Watching patient testimonials can provide invaluable insight and reassurance for individuals considering TMS therapy. These firsthand accounts offer a glimpse into the real-life experiences of others who have undergone TMS treatment, allowing prospective patients to gain a deeper understanding of what to expect and how TMS can positively impact their lives.

By hearing from individuals who have walked a similar path and witnessed the transformative effects of TMS on their mental health, viewers can feel encouraged and empowered to take the next step in their own journey towards healing. These testimonials serve as a source of hope and inspiration, reinforcing the efficacy and potential benefits of TMS therapy while fostering a sense of connection and community among those navigating the challenges of depression.

We invite you to watch our videos to learn more about TMS and discover the stories of hope and resilience shared by our patients.

TMS Therapy from a patient’s point of view

Apollo TMS Therapy – Testimonial

How to Get Started

Are you ready to take the first step towards reclaiming your life from the grips of depression? At A Child and Family Psychiatry, we’re here to support you on this transformative journey. Getting started with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is easier than you may think, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Schedule an Assessment for TMS:

The first step in exploring TMS therapy is to schedule an assessment with our experienced team. During this initial assessment, our experienced team will engage in a comprehensive discussion aimed at gaining insight into your individual needs and treatment objectives. We’ll begin by asking about your current symptoms and the challenges you’re facing, allowing us to better understand the specific nature of your depression and how it’s impacting your daily life. We’ll also explore your medical history, including any past treatments or therapies you’ve tried for depression, as well as any underlying health conditions or medications you may be taking.

In addition to gathering this background information, we’ll delve into your treatment goals and aspirations. We want to know what you hope to achieve through TMS therapy, whether it’s experiencing relief from persistent symptoms, improving your overall quality of life, or regaining a sense of control and well-being. Understanding your goals allows us to tailor our approach to meet your unique needs and expectations, ensuring that you receive personalized care and support throughout your TMS journey.

Throughout the assessment, our compassionate and knowledgeable staff will be available to address any questions or concerns you may have about TMS therapy. Whether you’re curious about the treatment process, the potential side effects, or the expected outcomes, we’re here to provide clear and accurate information to help you make informed decisions about your mental health care. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and support you need to embark on your TMS journey with confidence and optimism, knowing that you’re in capable and caring hands.

Accessibility and Readiness to Assist

At A Child and Family Psychiatry, accessibility and patient care are our top priorities. We understand that seeking help for depression can feel daunting, which is why we’re committed to making the process as seamless and supportive as possible. From your initial inquiry to the completion of your TMS therapy sessions, our dedicated team will be by your side, ready to provide guidance, encouragement, and compassionate care every step of the way.

Contact Information:

If you’re ready to take the next step, contacting us is easy. You can reach us by phone or email. Our friendly receptionists will be happy to assist you in scheduling your assessment and answering any preliminary questions you may have about TMS therapy. Rest assured that your inquiries will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and professionalism.

Phone: (614) 314-2291
Email: elizabeth@acfpclinic.com

Don’t let depression hold you back from living the life you deserve. Take the first step towards healing today by reaching out to A Child and Family Psychiatry. With our comprehensive TMS therapy program and unwavering commitment to your well-being, brighter days are within reach. We look forward to supporting you on your journey to a happier, healthier future.